The History of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Brooklyn, NY

As all other works of God have humble beginnings, so did the Apostolic Faith Mission in New York.

In the Spring of 1958 there began a series of "Cottage Meetings" under the direction of Evangelist Leon C. Dicks. These meetings were so successful and regular that it became an impossibility to hold them in the homes of new converts.

There a search began for a regular Meeting place. Before long a minister, whom Brother Dicks had never met, offered the use of a vacant store-front at 159 Stuyvesant Avenue, Brooklyn.

Within a year the membership had more than doubled. Five years later through the help of the Lord, the work had so progressed that a quest for larger quarters had begun.

Misfortune befell the growing congregation. One Saturday night an accident occurred which wrecked the front of the building. The congregation rented a Baptist Church where after one Meeting it was set afire by vandals looking for something of value.

The Lord in all His gracious ways interceded for this disheartened congregation and placed on the heart of a brother residing at 792 Halsey street to open his doors to the homeless congregation. There in the basement the meetings were continued for one year.

During that period a spirit of Revival permeated the hearts of the congregation. Even with its great spirituality it was realized that the basement wasn’t an appropriate meeting place for a growing Church. With this thought in mind the search for permanent quarters continued.

In October, 1964 a suitable building was found on the corner of Washington and Lafayette Avenues.

The prospect of purchasing the building was placed before the congregation. Their enthusiasm was outstanding. Through their willingness to sacrifice and do greater works for God the building was acquired on January 10, 1965.

Our main sanctuary comfortably seats 350 people; but due to the overflow of the crowd on some Sundays and special occasions a closed circuit Television was installed in our lower auditorium. This helps the people to enjoy and participate in our Worship Service. The growth of this spritual organization has been phenominal if we consider the high standard of holy living that is preached and practiced by the members.

We have add to our evangelistic efforts since the purchase of this building; a weekly half hour Radio broadcast on Sunday evenings during the mid 80's; a half hour TV broadcast on a local city cable channel during the 90's; an Outreach Ministry of groups of members that offer their time voluntarily to homes and Hospitals; visiting the sick and shut in; and now a website to further disseminate our evangelistic efforts.

Our Sunday School consists of Six Classes that range from tiny tots through adulthood. Three Choirs, the Youth Choir, Adult and Childrens Choirs.

New York is a Cosmopolitan City that draws people from various ethnic backgrounds and from all over the world, thus the composition of our members is diversed but we thank God for the unity and love among the brethren.

Our goal is to present the gospel to every hungry heart in this great City.

For the last 32 years our Youth Department has sponsored the Youth Conference; a Seminar of teachings and instruction, attended by young and old, from our Churches across the U.S.A. and Overseas.

The Apostolic Faith gives all glory to God for the accomplishments of the 46 years of Gospel Ministry in the New York Area.

It is note worthy that in these 46 years of Ministry, no collection has been taken, and the general public was never asked in any manner to assist in the financial maintenance of the Work. Prayer and faith has been the only resource contributing to its growth in New York.

Since the passing of the founder of the Brooklyn church Rev Leon C. Dicks in 1989. The church has been Pastored by Rev. Mary McClary, Rev. Glory Thomas, Rev. Robert M. Moore, Rev. Eugene Segres Jr. and now our current Pastor, Rev. Heraclio Wyatt Jr.

It is our endeavor to, "Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints."