Apostolic Faith Church

Apostolic Faith Church

"Earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints"

Jude 1:3

Modification of Services Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

As the country works towards efforts of containing and preventing the spread of the Coronavirus, we would like to do so as well. Our top priority is to the safety and health of our ministers, staff and congregation members. After much deliberation and consideration, we have decided to keep the church open by moving services online and through telephone conference calls. The schedule is listed on our homepage while more detailed information regarding times and conference call numbers will be listed here. However, as events unfold and change, so may the schedule we have posted, so please refer back here regularly to keep abreast to any changes in the days ahead. See below for our schedule, and telephone conference call numbers and codes.

A Word from the Pastor

Grace and Peace AFC Church Family!

I pray that you are safe and sound as we “Shelter In Place” COVID-19 has created uncertain times. It seems to change everything. The ways we engage, the ways we work, and go to school, and especially the way we worship. In spite of the challenges we face today, AFC is still committed to connecting to God through worship and connecting to one another through Fellowship! Even though the pandemic has taken our attention—Jesus Christ remains our focus! Although we cannot worship together physically our church remains open. Through technology we are able to open up to you our virtual campus. To God be the Glory. Please read the information links for information on how we plan to remain connected as a church. We look forward to connecting with you each Sunday at 11am through our online platforms. These are anxious times; the ministry of “AFC 265” and I, are praying for you to possess a peace “that surpasses understanding”. We will continue to keep in touch with you in every way possible.

Pastor Johnny

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays

6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - Morning Prayer

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Evening Prayer

Conference Number: (712) - 770 - 5505

Code: 120945


6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - Morning Prayer

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Noonday Prayer

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Evening Prayer

Conference Number: (712) - 770 - 5505

Code: 120945


Click image to enlarge


9:30 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Live Stream Morning Worship Service

Primary, Intermediate, & Junior Classes:

Please call the church office for more information

Office Number: 718-622-2295

Search Classes:

Senior & Young Adult I

Conference Number: (425) - 436 - 6372

Code: 222589

Young Adult II & Adults 40+

Conference Number: (712) - 770 - 5505

Code: 120945

Spanish Speaking Adults 40+

Conference Number: (605) - 313 - 4415

Code: 650335